Thursday, June 3, 2010

On my blog!

This blog is for dogs and dog-lovers ONLY. ( just kidding) This blog was actually made for everybody. Especially the people who hate dogs that way they can learn to like or even love dogs. On this blog you will learn about dogs like where they live, what they eat, and anything's that's unusual. You will also learn about their favorite foods, their favorite toys, their favorite things to do, and their favorite places to see. One of the most important things you'll learn about dogs are their breeds. For example, you will eventually learn whether they're mixbred or purebred. And yes, I know, I know this blog's not going to be perfect so, if you think that my blog's not perfect, then, post a comment and I'll improve. And whatever you do don't judge a book by it's cover- or in this case my blog. Just because there's pink doesn't mean that this blog's going to be all girlie. If you really want to learn about dogs then read my blog to decide whether you like it or not.

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